Personal Branding

Personal branding is who you are. Some may say it's your reputation (which we agree with), but it's all of the above, plus what you say about the content you create and share online.

People are typically shocked at my response to their inquiry to help them create one because they already have one; they don't realize it. To the people closest to you, you're known as the funny guy, the quiet dude, the athlete, the crazy person, the "Karen," the armchair QB, or whatever anyone would say about you. We could [obviously] keep going, but for the sake of your attention, let's not. So, if those things are what the people closest to you know about you, what about the people online? If you never post anything, never say anything, only comment on others' content or "lurk," I hate to break it to you, but that's your brand.

The people who seek counsel from Disruptur want a personal brand, but they really want to lead through thought leadership and look credible doing it...and look cool.

So, that's exactly what we do. We find the nearest receptacle and toss the tie in it, throw away the three-piece suit and lifestyle photo-department-store photo backdrop, and shoot some authentic photos. Then, we sit down and rethink your entire persona. For most people, it's LinkedIn; for others, it's Instagram; and for some people, it's both.

Either way, it will be different. Your profile should read like the first chapter of a book you know you won't put down—the kind of book you lie to your friends about, saying you want to go to bed early on vacation but really want to relax and read (but they would never believe you). The point is, it's supposed to be intriguing, encouraging them to follow along without you having to "ask" them like everyone else does.

So you have two options—well, technically, three options.

Option One: Sign up for a quick "Personal Branding Mini-Sesh." For a minor hit, you get new lifestyle brand photos like you're signing up for senior pictures all over again. In less than two hours, your entire LinkedIn Profile will resemble no one's. Finally, you will appear as the aficionado of your industry only you (and your spouse) know about; only now can you stop complaining about not having one.

Option Two: Hire Disruptur as your Personal Branding Sensai (that's not really what we're calling it), but this is the all-in option. You're going to learn to sand the floor and paint the fence, and out of nowhere, you're going to know social media like Daniel Son learned Karate.

To choose this option, we need to have a blue-pill/red-pill conversation. Then, all you need to do is hit that "contact me" form, and we will do the rest.

Option Three: Simple, go choose the consultant whose personal brand is teaching others how to have a personal brand. "But what do you mean?" We're talking about the consultant who literally posts day in and day on social media about what you should do, how you should post content, how you should engage with others, yet doesn't do anything they tell their clients to do for themselves.

"A personal brand that talks about personal branding is not a personal brand."

Everything Disruptur teaches our clients, we do for ourselves. Day in and day out, Disruptur walks the talk.

Are you in, or are you out?


Social Proof:

7k Subscribers on Youtube

5k Followers on Instagram

123k Followers on TikTok

3.5k Followers on LinkedIn (13k on Personal Page)

78 LinkedIn Recommendations & counting

“Saying “highly” doesn’t even come close to the adverb that should be used when recommending Derek & Disruptur for Marketing Services. I’ve been running a small business for almost two years, and a few months ago, I decided to ask for some help with gaining a social media presence. Derek came in with a direct plan and manageable steps to get me where I wanted to go.

~Rachel Hallien, The Accounting Initiative

Are you “on the fence” about stepping into the personal branding arena? If so, I would recommend working with Derek. Derek has made the process very seamless. Not only has the process been seamless, but his attention to detail and creative mind are top-notch. Multiple times, I’ve sent my ideas only to get a “Have you considered this …. Or what about that?”. I appreciate his expertise; however, I also appreciate his willingness to get to know me, my goals, and my business.

~Shawn Oertling, Inguard

“Derek doesn't think outside the box because, with Derek, there was never a box to begin with. And if there was, he would destroy it with his axe. Derek will come into your business with a fresh set of eyes and devise the most creative strategies to drive more team alignment, sales strategy, social engagement, brand awareness, authenticity, and creativity in your company.”

~David Piercy, Landmaster

At the end of our engagement, we were delivered concrete tools for our sales team and a path to move forward. I am excited about the future of CodeClouds and very satisfied with what Derek brought to the table. We will be working with Disruptur again in the near future.

~Brian Hill, CodeClouds

I met Derek in early 2021 as a recommendation when I was working through launching my own business. My social presence was weak, no marketing strategy, and nothing regarding sales. I asked Derek to help and it has made all the difference!

Derek takes the time to know you. He wants to know how your mind works, how your business works, and he helps you understand the skills in running a successful business based on your strengths.

~Brian Rook, Interra Credit Union

As a bottom-line, results-driven business owner who is very much in start-up mode and bootstrapping it, I do not have the time, talent, or treasure to be wasted on projects, consultants, or activities that do not move the needle for me and my business. As a friend, I would give Derek all the time in the world whenever he wants it or needs it; however, as a client of his, he had better produce results :)! And produce results--in spades--he did!

If you are considering upping your game, sharpening your brand, or taking it to the next level, stop hesitating! Contact Derek Laliberte today! You will be glad--no, scratch that--you will be THRILLED you did!

~Matt Lessar, Uniquely Normal

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