
  • Session One

    "Are you a Believer?"

    In other words, if you've been trained traditionally in sales, you likely won't be open to it. This first session is about changing that mindset (or at least being open to changing it). By walking you through the steps towards change and the results we've experienced with our clients, you should walk away as a believer. If not..well, I've failed you.

  • Session Two

    "Nobody Remembers the Normal Kid."

    In this session, we lay the foundation for your brand on LinkedIn and walk through each step you need to take to establish a far-from-normal brand. In other words, a memorable one. You will walk away knowing exactly how to create your brand on LinkedIn and what to consider. You will also receive a downloadable guide to help you map out the new you.

  • Session Three

    "The New Skool of Sales."

    There's the old-school thought process of cold calling, spamming emails, and networking events. Then there's the Disruptur System. This system is about applying that old-school work ethic to new methods. Think of all the deals you lost where you thought, "Wouldn't it be great if I knew how to find more?"

    In this session, you will learn how to find new prospective clients and know exactly what to do when you find them on social media. You will learn so many new moves in this session that you finally won't care so much about losing your next deal.

    • Need to know how to utilize search functionality to find clients?
    • Need to know what to do when you find them?
    • Need to know how to create content that is appealing to clients?
    • Need to know how to engage with prospective clients?


    Because the self-generated leads you're finding are lining up to talk to you.

    In this session, I will teach you.

  • Session Four

    "You are one Team."

    In other words, marketing and sales teams are not two ships passing in the night. This session will quickly walk you through how to communicate and order engaging content that your prospective clients want, not what your marketing team "thinks" they want.

    The sales team is the new marketing team, and the marketing team is like the old one.

    In this session, we will explain why and how to think differently.

  • Session Five

    "What Happens Next?"

    In other words, Disruptur won't leave you high and dry. In this session, we will show you what we can do to continue to help you and, more importantly, hold you accountable.

  • Bonus Points

    Guide after Downloadable Guide

    The BeaDisruptur Sessions are full of downloads complete with tactics, guides, instructions, questions, and everything else you will need to set up your brand, find new prospective customers, and generate "real" leads.

    This system works because I've personally done it for ten years and had success.

    I got you.

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